Thursday, March 22, 2007

Drrrrrop it Like it's hot

Unfortunately this demo for my band, Drop it Jeffrey, is probably never going to happen. But it was a good excuse for an art project! We had the opportunity to do a "dream project" so this gave me the time to finally do what I wanted to do. It's a design and layout for a cd wallet. Now we just need our CD to be done so I can get this printed! Anyway, I really enjoy being in a band on the side because its a huge stress reliever. It also gives me opportunies to do some cool I've said before. I also did the design for our latest tee shirts. I posted the sample pictures I put together of the shirts modeled by the famous Jon Degen. I know this page is for my art work...buttt If you'd like to check out my can go to or . Lastly..I know that drop it jeffrey is the worst band name ever. you don't have to tell me.

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